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Technology, digital media and mobile access have changed how people learn. Today’s students want to be engaged and self-directed with digital content, available anytime, anywhere. This is a challenge for instructional designers as they create online learning experiences. As an instructional designer, it’s critical to understand emerging learning theories including Bloom’s taxonomy and constructivism and how they relate to the way people learn in our digitally connected world. This course, which is part of the Instructional Design and Technology MicroMasters Program, explores the evolution of learning theories from traditional Socratic methods to emerging learning sciences. Additionally, you will explore curriculum design models using performance-based assessments to create effective and engaging learning experiences. After a solid foundation of how people learn today, you will explore technology’s role in supporting and enhancing the teaching and learning process. Previous background in teaching or professional development is a plus, but not required. Join us and launch your career as an instructional designer. This course is part of the Instructional Design and Technology MicroMaster’s program from UMGC. Upon completion of the program and receipt of the verified MicroMaster’s certificate, learners may then transition into the full UMGC Master’s Program in Learning Design and Technology. See the MicroMasters program page for more information.
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    How can we ensure that we don’t fail the next generation of children? What investments do we need to make an impact? What implementation decisions do we need to make for program success? An estimated 250 million children in low- and middle-income countries risk not meeting their development potential in the first five years of life—leading to lifelong impacts on health, learning, behavior, and overall adult productivity. During this critical time, strategic interventions can ensure children have a strong foundation to lead healthy, productive lives as engaged citizens. There is an urgent need to increase access to high-quality early childhood development intervention programs on national and global scales. While the science behind the importance of early development and funding for these programs has increased globally, policy development, research, and implementation best practices have not been widely adopted. As the COVID-19 virus disrupts health, nutrition, childcare, and education services, and stretches social and child protection systems to their limits, children and families least able to cope are being hit hardest with inequities in childhood development widening. Evidence-based policies that support families and young children are needed now more than ever. This course examines best practices in child and family policies, advocacy, financing, and pathways to scale—showing you how to generate an innovative, scalable intervention strategy that supports early childhood development. **** The course begins with a review of basic early childhood development concepts and successful implementation programs around the world. We learn why some programs succeed where others do less well and what strategies are key for enabling widespread adaptation of quality programming. For those working around the world in early childhood development programs, this course allows you to reflect and evaluate your own organization by reviewing real-world case successes, as well as a new global perspective from other learners. You will complete the course with new plans and ideas ready to implement within your program. Successful implementation requires partnerships across implementation and research in real-world contexts. Together, Harvard University and UNICEF will bring global experience from communities to policy makers, evidence and experts from around the world. Aisha Yousafzai (Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health) and Pia Britto (UNICEF) will introduce you to real-world experts in programs, policy and research including Dr. Marquita Davis, Deputy Director of Early Learning at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation speaking about Head Start; Dr. Christine Powell from the Caribbean Institute for Health Research at the University of the West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica speaking about Reach Up; Sumitra Mishra, Executive Director of Mobile Creches speaking about Mobile Creches; Sabrina Habib, the Co-Founder and Chief Exploration Officer at Kidogo speaking about Kidogo; Ayah Younis, Writer and Illustrator in Jordan from Ahlan Simsim; Marie Louise Samuels, Former Director Early Childhood Development in the Department of Basic Education in South Africa speaking about Grade R, and Claudia Andrea Zamora Reszczynski, Specialist in the National Team of Chile Crece Contigo at the Ministry of Social Development and Family of Chile speaking about Chile Crece Contigo. Expert affiliations are listed for identification purposes only.
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      Have you ever wondered why some classroom discussions are lively and engaging and others more like painful interrogations? Why some students always have an answer ready, but others never participate? Why everybody (or nobody) laughs at a teacher’s jokes? What role multiple languages should play in classroom talk? This course gives classroom teachers at all levels and subject areas the analytic tools to answer these and more questions about classroom communication. Each lesson introduces fundamental concepts and techniques of classroom discourse analysis, developing an analytic toolkit and promoting critical reflection on pedagogical practices over five weeks.
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        Interested in earning a certificate at no cost? Enroll to audit this course, and we’ll send more information about this opportunity shortly before the course begins. Every day, teachers make thousands of decisions: what content to teach, what activities to assign, who to call on, how to respond to a student question, how to react to student behavior. These day-to-day decisions can have an enormous effect on the lives of young people, for good and ill. They can open new doors or cause lasting harm; they can make students feel seen and valued, or dampen their interest in school. In this course, we will investigate these interactions, rehearse responding to difficult scenarios, and develop a set of equity teaching mindsets and practices to support all of our learners, especially underserved students. With colleagues from your school or organization and online learners around the world, you will participate in four cycles of inquiry, practice, and action, and then complete a final action project. In each cycle of inquiry, you will examine and re-examine dimensions of inequality through educator mindsets, imagine community change through documentary case studies, rehearse taking action in thorny situations through digital practice spaces, and begin to lead change through action-oriented assignments. Our early investigations will focus on relationships and interactions with individual students, and pan out to examine the effects of bias on classrooms, schools, and communities. As you complete activities with peers online, you will develop a rich set of resources and exercises to use with your students and colleagues in your local context. At the end of the course, you will have a better understanding of yourself and your students, new resources to draw on for helping all students thrive, and a plan to work with your school community to advance the lifelong work of equitable teaching. We believe that the most rich and rewarding experience in this course is to take it with colleagues, and we encourage you to reach out to a small group who might be interested in taking this course with you. These fellow-learners will understand your context, the students that are in your school, and the culture of the place that you're working with. Even one or two peers can be the start of an equity change cohort in your school or organization.
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          Teachers , don't miss this special opportunity to learn with four Smithsonian museums from hom e ! Register for this 14-week course and join a n online community of educators for an immersive exploration of teaching with museum objects and works of art. Museum educators will explore connections among their collections and model teaching strategies that participants can implement with their students, whether online or in the classroom. Participants will discover how to teach with museum resources to engage students in deeper thinking and support content learning across disciplines. They'll learn to use the Smithsonian Learning Lab to curate digital resource collections, and share lesson ideas among a new network of colleagues. Which Smithsonian Museums Will You Learn From? National Museum of African American History and Culture National Museum of American History National Portrait Gallery Smithsonian American Art Museum Who Should Enroll ? Teachers of all subjects and grades are welcome to register. The program content will be most readily appli cable to humanities teachers . What is Required of Participants? The course is self-paced, designed to be taken over the course of 14 weeks, with one to two hours of content assigned per week. Participants are expected to view all recorded video sessions and respond to reflection prompts using a discussion board. Participants will also be expected to create a digital resource collection using the Smithsonian Learning Lab .
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            This education course has been developed for educators and education leaders. It explores deep learning by bringing together the most up-to-date research from cognitive psychology, contemporary educational theories, and neuro-scientific perspectives. Deep learning encourages students to become creative, connected, and collaborative problem solvers; to gain knowledge and skills for lifelong learning; and to use a range of contemporary digital technologies to enhance their learning. To facilitate deep learning, teachers will learn how to employ a diverse range of powerful teaching strategies and authentic learning activities to assist students to become independent thinkers, innovative creators, and effective communicators. Throughout each module, suggested learning experiences are provided for school or system leaders who seek to engage with deep learning practices across their organisation. In this way, the course is differentiated to cater to both individual learners and to groups. This course has been funded by Microsoft and is part of the Microsoft K-12 Education Leadership initiative developed to provide resources to K-12 school leaders around the world as they address the unique needs of their schools in a changing educational and technology landscape.
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              It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you need to write in a complex style to express complex ideas. In fact, complex writing styles can obscure meaning and tire your readers. This short course is aimed at students at tertiary institutions, and contributors to academic publications. It will help you to articulate complex ideas with clarity and meaning. The first week of the course focuses on developing a structured writing process, appropriate for your intended readership. We discuss when to write, the importance of a golden thread, the main principles of drafting a research report, and different abstract patterns. The second week zooms in on the principles of paragraph and sentence construction. You will learn ways of writing that enhance clarity and engage your readers.
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                Interested in earning a certificate at no cost? Enroll to audit this course, and we’ll send more information about this opportunity shortly before the course begins. Communities have always wrestled with the multiple purposes of education: to train young people for careers, vocations, and college; to prepare them for their roles as citizens; to develop habits of reflective, ethical adults; and to create a common experience in a pluralistic society while meeting the needs of individual learners. As the world changes and grows more complex, returning to these important questions of purpose can help guide schools in their growth and strategic change. To ensure our schools are effective, we need to routinely reimagine what the high school graduate of the future will need to know and be able to do. The artifact that communicates these ideas is called a graduate profile. Making explicit the capabilities, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes for secondary school graduates, and inviting key stakeholders like students and community members to be engaged in the process, can help you and your school to focus your vision of success and drive school innovation efforts. Instructor Justin Reich and the course team from the MIT Teaching Systems Lab look forward to guiding teachers, administrators, community members, and others passionate about improving secondary school in the process of designing a graduate profile. Over four weeks, you will reflect on the purpose and goals of secondary school, as well as desirable characteristics for graduates. You’ll learn how schools have benefited from a graduate profile development process and begin the process yourself.  You’ll learn more about your own context, its values and beliefs. You’ll leave the course with a shareable artifact that communicates a vision of a multi-faceted secondary school graduate. This course has been authored by one or more members of the Faculty of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Its educational objectives, methods, assessments, and the selection and presentation of its content are solely the responsibility of MIT.
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                  “Leading Change: Go Beyond Gamification with Gameful Learning” instructs school leaders and teachers on tools and strategies to support gameful learning in schools. Developed in partnership with Microsoft, this education course aims to transform teaching and learning at all levels through explorations of how the features that make video games great learning environments can be used in formal learning environments to increase learner engagement on a local, regional and global scale. By creating classroom learning environments that support learners’ senses of autonomy, competence and relatedness, school leaders are able to promote actively engaged and resilient learning. Gameful learning is a new way to conceive curriculum and assessment that provides concrete support for personalizing learning for every student. You will learn to design gameful learning environments and apply a systematic framework that leads to enhanced intrinsic motivation and engagement for students. This course has been funded by Microsoft and is part of the Microsoft K-12 Education Leadership initiative developed to provide resources to K-12 school leaders around the world as they address the unique needs of their schools in a changing educational and technology landscape.
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                    Fake news and misinformation pose an urgent challenge to citizens across the globe. Multiple studies have shined a light on people’s difficulty in distinguishing truth from fiction, reliable information from sham. As we approach the November 2020 election, we can expect our screens to be flooded, even more so, with digital content that plays fast and loose with the truth. With educators from around the world and faculty from MIT and Stanford University, you will learn quick and effective practices for evaluating online information that you can bring back to your classroom. The Stanford History Education Group has distilled these practices from observations with professional fact-checkers from the nation’s most prestigious media outlets from across the political spectrum. Using a combination of readings, classroom practice lessons, and assignments, you will learn how to teach the critical thinking skills needed for making wise judgments about web sources. At the end of the course, you will be better able to help students find reliable sources at a time when we need it most.